How to check NSC Matric Results

How to check NSC Matric Results

Learners can view their NSC Matric results on official Department of Basic Education platforms or their schools. The DBE has, however, ensured that the publication of learners’ names is not allowed, following a judgment in court in 2022. The Information Regulator had issues under POPIA, but the DBE insisted this approach would still be in … Read more


School uniform might include some but not limited to the items below Day to Day Accessories Special Items Shirt Tie Matric Pullover Boys Trousers Shoes Matric Jacket Girls Trousers Socks House T-Shirts Skirt School Cap Golf T-Shirt Dry-Mac School Beanie Grade R T-Shirt Track-Suite Matric Tie Jerseys/Pullovers Blazer School Uniform Items

Private Independant Fees

Private schools in South Africa charge different fees because they are independently funded and managed, allowing them to set their own tuition based on operational costs and educational offerings, unlike public schools that are funded by the government according to the quintile system like below: Quantile Level Annual Amount per Learner (ZAR) 1 R1,602.00 2 … Read more

Public School Quantile funding

Every public school can set its own fee structure or raise funds based on its expenses and needs. However, the Department of Basic Education provides funding to public schools based on their quintile levels. The figures seem to be as follows: Quantile Level Annual Amount per Learner (ZAR) 1 R1,602.00 2 R1,602.00 3 R1,602.00 4 … Read more

Private Primary School Subjects

Private primary schools in the province often provide a curriculum that is both broad and enriched, designed to cater to a wide range of student abilities and interests. While the core subjects are similar to those in public schools, private schools typically offer additional subjects, programs, and activities to enhance the learning experience. Here’s an … Read more

Private High School Subjects

Private high schools in the province typically offer a broader and more flexible curriculum than public schools, with a range of subjects tailored to meet the needs and interests of students. These schools often prepare students for local (e.g., IEB) or international (e.g., Cambridge, IB) examinations. Here’s a general overview of the subject combinations you … Read more