Kingsway High School

Application process for Kingsway High School, School Data and 2026 Guide

Kingsway High School, a Public School in Amanzimtoti and rooted within a progressing Ethekwini Metropolitan Municipality-Amanzimtoti. All over the Amanzimtoti community, Kingsway High School is a beacon of hope and the pride of KZN Secondary Schools.

Are you looking for a Secondary School within Amanzimtoti area? There is no school without challenges in KZN but one can recommend Kingsway High School, and without wasting time, lets get in to the details.

Kingsway High School Fast Facts

  • EMIS Number: 500176157
  • Exam Number:
  • Principal: Du Toit
  • Postal Code: 4125

Enrolment History for Kingsway High School

Understanding an enrollment trend of a potential school for your child is crucial for parents. It provides insights regarding stability, growth, and demand of that school. Over the past three years, the enrollment at Kingsway High School has steadily increased, showing a growing preference for this institution. The numbers for the respective years are: 1035 in 2021, 1041 in 2022, and 1089 in 2023.

We hope the above 2021, 2022, 2023 visualisation gives you a perfect picture, 2024 data coming soon.

Number of teachers & principal

The principal as of 2023: Du Toit

Contact Details

  • Physical Address: Umdoni Road, Amanzimtoti, 4125
  • Postal Address: Private Bag X20007,Amanzimtoti,4125
1 Step 1

Contact Form

Please use this form to contact.

Parent Details

Learner Details


Pass Rate

Under the leadership of Principal Du Toit, Kingsway High School has shown a remarkable improvement in its Matric pass rate. In 2023, the pass rate was 90.7%, and in 2024, it is now 94.1%. This positive change reflects the school’s commitment to academic excellence. Parents looking for a dedicated school for their child should consider Kingsway High School as a strong option.

Reviews & Testimonies

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Application Process

Kingsway High School Application process is as follows:



  1. Is Kingsway High School a fee-paying institution? No
  2. Which quintile level does Kingsway High School falls at: Q5







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